3 GREAT Landscape Photography Locations on Dartmoor

Landscape Photography on Dartmoor

Dartmoor National Park covers over 950 km2 so you can be forgiven for being a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of landscape photography locations to choose from.   Fear not though!  I’m here to help.

After the positive feedback I received for my video 3 GREAT Landscape Photography Locations in Cornwall, I decided to produce for Dartmoor locations.  Guess what I called it?  Yes, that’s right 3 GREAT Landscape Photography Locations on Dartmoor! The locations I visit in the video aren’t necessarily a top 3 or best 3, just 3 great locations that I think will inspire your landscape photography. 

After many hours of being frozen and blown about, I’m very happy to share with you the video, 3 GREAT Landscape Photography Location on Dartmoor.

A Bonus 4th Location

I’m also very happy to share with you a bonus 4th location.  Wistman’s Wood is a popular Dartmoor location for landscape photographers and for good reason.  Unfortunately the day I visited there was very little wind and so the midges were out and that made capturing images and video very difficult.  Despite the challenges of the day though, I still managed to create a video that I hope you will enjoy.

More Information on Those Locations

If you want a bit more information on these amazing locations or the images from the video, then I've already published blog posts on the featured locations:

You can also see my 5 Minute Photo Adventure video of Belstone Common (where I shot the intro to the video), right here.

All Those Landscape Photographs

Here all the images you saw in both videos:

What Next?

As with the Cornwall video, the Dartmoor video required a significant amount of effort to produce.  However, despite the work required I would like to create more videos like this.  If there are other locations in the south-west that you would like to me to make a video on then let me know in the comments below.