How I Backup my Landscape Photographs

Every Landscape Photograph Is Unique

Every landscape photograph you take is unique and can't be recreated.  Each time you press that shutter button it is a unique point in time.  The light, the weather, and the conditions will likely never be exactly the same again.  So how much care do you take to protect your images from virus outbreaks, deletion, corruption or hardware failure?

To me, every photograph or video I create is important and needs to be protected.  Some of the content is priceless, such as photographs of my children, or it might represent an investment of time and money, such as one of my landscape photographs.  No matter the content though, to me it has value.

My Backup Workflow

For some people backup is something they think about rather than do.  Something to do at some point   Maybe.  For me, though it's become such an integral part of my workflow now that it's just something I do automatically each time I upload new content to my computer.

So if you've been looking to start putting together a proper backup routine for your workflow or you are simply looking for some tips to improve your existing backup routine, I've created this video which lays out, step by step, how I backup and protect my images.

Backup Products

If you are interested these are some of the products I used in the video as part of my backup workflow:

So do you have a robust and complete backup workflow?  Do you backup on occasion?  What tools and products do you use?  Let me know in the comments below.

My Other Workflow Videos

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