F/8 Street Photography Magazine - On My Bookshelf

Not Just Landscapes

Over the years I’ve bought lots of books on photography. They are a great source of inspiration and education. If you were to look at my bookshelf you would of course see a lot of books on landscape photography, but you would also see books from different genres of photography. Though landscape photography is my passion, I’m a firm believer that I can still develop my own photography by looking at photographs from all genres.

Saying that though there is one genre of photography that has been missing from my bookshelf and that’s street photography. There’s no particular reason for that but when I heard Gareth Danks was self-publishing a new magazine on street photography, I knew I should take a look and dip my toe into street photography publications.

Street Photography

In this episode of On My Bookshelf, I’m looking at issues one and two of F/8 Street Photography magazine. A magazine isn’t something I’d normally consider making an episode of On My Bookshelf for but what makes this magazine interesting is that it features a lot of community content. Plus, unlike many of the magazines that you might see in a newsagent the print quality is a noticeable step above the rest. Let’s take a look.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of On My Bookshelf. Regardless of your level of interest in street photography, F/8 Street Photography magazine is well worth checking out.