Essential Outdoor Photography Gear - Muck Boots Apex Zip Short Boots
The Importance of Good Outdoor Clothing
As a landscape photographer, it’s all too easy to focus on making sure you have the best camera gear you can afford. While good camera gear is obviously important, the need for good outdoor clothing should not be ignored. I’ve learnt this the hard way. I’ve been cold, wet, and miserable when out with my camera. For the last few years though, I’ve always budgeted for good outdoor clothing as part of the photography kit bag.
Back in January, I talked about the winter photography gloves I use, but good outdoor clothing isn’t just for winter conditions. The latest addition to my kit bag is a pair of Apex Boots from Muck Boots. These boots are shorter and lighter weight than my Arctic Sport Boots, and for me, are better suited for the warmer months.
Thanks to some very wet weather over the last few weeks, my new Apex Boots were given a good workout. I put them to further use when I went out recently to capture some photographs of Holne Bridge and Venford Falls. As I was making a video as well, I also I thought this was the perfect time to talk about my thoughts on the boots. In the video below you can join me on my photograph trip to Dartmoor and see the boots in action.
I’m always happy to talk about the gear I use, whether it’s cameras or clothing, but I will always try and include some landscape photography as well. I hope you enjoyed watching my adventure to some of Dartmoor’s damper spots and learning about my new boots. Let me know in the comments below if there are any other items of outdoor clothing you might want to see a video about or let me know what your best item of outdoor clothing for photography is.
Holne Bridge Photographs
Here are the photographs you saw in the video in a bit more detail.
Holne Bridge at Spring #1, Dartmoor, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor 14-30mm f/4 at 14mm, f/13, 1/5th sec at ISO 64, Kase Filters K9 CPL.
Holne Bridge at Spring #1, Dartmoor, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor 14-30mm f/4 at 18mm, f/16, 1/5th sec at ISO 64, Kase Filters K9 CPL.
Venford Falls Photographs
Venford Falls at Spring #1, Dartmoor, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor 14-30mm f/4 at 15mm, f/9, 0.4 sec at ISO 64, Kase Filters K9 CPL.
Venford Falls at Spring #3, Dartmoor, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor 14-30mm f/4 at 30mm, f/8, 1/8th sec at ISO 64, Kase Filters K9 CPL.