Vallerret Milford Photography Gloves - A Landscape Photographers Review

The Importance of Photography Gloves

I’ve learnt the hard way that having appropriate clothing for landscape photography is as important as the camera gear that I use. Everything from socks, boots, trousers, base layers, jackets, hats and gloves are as important as which camera and lens I take with me. Nothing crushes your creativity like being cold or wet. I recently purchased an expensive down jacket for a photography trip to Iceland. It seemed a lot of money to spend at the time, but never once did I regret my purchase standing on a beach taking photographs of icebergs in a howling wind!

As there is no such thing as one combination of camera and lens to suit all landscape photography scenarios, nor is there such thing as one pair of gloves that fits all weather conditions. Last year I told you about the Vallerret Skadi Mitts I use for winter photography. These are perfect gloves for deep winter photography, and they were another item I did not regret taking to Iceland.

I’ve mentioned Iceland a couple of times, but most of my photography is from Dartmoor. The weather up there can be varied, to say the least. That is why I need different clothing to suit the weather, and the right glove is no different.

In the video below I look at a new pair of gloves from Vallerret (which they kindly sent to me) called Milford. These gloves are designed for mild winter conditions, but they also come with a waterproof shell. This should make them ideal for when the conditions are a bit wetter up on Dartmoor (a regular occurrence). So, join me up on Dartmoor for some landscape photography and I’ll tell you what I think about these new gloves.

If you'd like to purchase a pair of these gloves, or any from the Vallerret range you can do so here -

Photographing Dartmoor - Rippon Tor